[Trilinos-Users] templated lapack?

Baker, Christopher G. bakercg at ornl.gov
Tue Mar 29 09:55:18 MDT 2011

Ahhh.... perhaps our grandchildren will enjoy a templated LAPACK.
Unfortunately, every time the LAPACK is rewritten (CULA, PLASMA, etc), it
is done without the benefit of templating. Players always be hatin' on

One short-term solution is to manually implement methods in
Teuchos::LAPACK from the reference C/LAPACK. We already have this
capability mostly in place for the BLAS. This involves, at least,
templating the code from CLAPACK. At best, it should involve some testing
as well. GESV is pretty straightforward, as far as LAPACK routines go. A
warning: templating the reference LAPACK should be done carefully; when
the BLAS methods were ported, there was no consideration for complex
types, so that the generic methods in Teuchos::BLAS are incorrect for
complex scalar types.


On 3/29/11 11:43 AM, "Pat Notz" <patnotz at gmail.com> wrote:

>I'm looking at using Tpetra for some problems where I'd like higher
>precision (e.g., quad). I'm currently using lapack's dgesv for a small
>(4x4 or 5x5) dense linear solve on the inside of my algorithm.
>Can anyone recommend a replacement for dgesv that supports templated
>scalar types?
>Thanks in advance ~ Pat
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