[Trilinos-Users] Teuchos build error on Mac

Jonathan Hu jhu at sandia.gov
Thu Mar 24 15:51:35 MDT 2011


     I've encountered a build error on a Mac, running 10.5.8 and gcc 
4.5.2.   The error is

[ 61%] Building CXX object 
fatal error: link.h: No such file or directory

The include of link.h is guarded by the macro HAVE_TEUCHOS_LINK, which 
seems to get defined if binutils and a version of gcc are detected.  
However, link.h is in a non-standard location, 
/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/link.h.  (I've checked a colleague's Mac, and 
link.h is in the same location on that machine, as well.)

What am I missing?    I'm attaching both my configure and cache file.

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