[Trilinos-Users] Tpetra and MPI

Baker, Christopher G. bakercg at ornl.gov
Wed Mar 23 07:50:16 MDT 2011

Hi Einar, 

The Trilinos tutorial is years out of date with respect to Tpetra. For Tpetra examples, please refer to the online documentation or the examples under packages/tpetra/examples.


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	einaro at yahoo.com [mailto:einaro at yahoo.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, March 23, 2011 09:19 AM Eastern Standard Time
To:	trilinos-users at software.sandia.gov
Subject:	[Trilinos-Users] Tpetra and MPI

I have started playing a bit with TPetra (version 10.6.3)  and tried to follow the examples provided in chapter 16 of your tutorial (v10.6). By trying to include "Tpetra_MpiComm.hpp" I only get a message that the file cannot be found. I've searched for it in the source directories with no luck. Is there a file called Tpetra_MpiComm.hpp in the current release of Trilinos? 
If so, how can I find it?


Einar Otnes


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