[Trilinos-Users] Basic Installation/demo program "Undefined Reference" error in Ubuntu

narendiran kumar narendirankumar at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 00:40:48 MDT 2011

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am very new to this environment and i am struggling  a lot for a long.

I am trying to make demo MY_APP using our standard Makefile with
main_file.cpp, src_file.cpp, src_file.hpp.  But the output shows that "
undefined reference to `buildDemo::src_file".  Similar that, I have tried
NOX package, it shows same as "undefined reference to ChanContinuation.C".

And also, some of the example file in the source directory is also not given
any output in build directory (such as NOX, LOCA...)

I suspected that their must be the problem of improper linking with library
(such as LAPACK AND BLAS).

Did i made any mistake in installation ?

Can any one please help me.  I have attached demo error message.

please help me, I don't know where did i made mistake.

Thanks in advance.

K. Narendiran
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root at narendiran:/home/narendiran/Trilinos/test/demo# ls
main_file.cpp  Makefile  src_file.cpp  src_file.hpp
root at narendiran:/home/narendiran/Trilinos/test/demo# make

Found Trilinos!  Here are the details:
   Trilinos_VERSION = 10.6.2
   Trilinos_PACKAGE_LIST = Mesquite MOOCHO Rythmos Moertel NOX Intrepid Anasazi FEI Stratimikos Ifpack2 Belos ML Komplex Ifpack Pamgen Amesos Galeri AztecOO Pliris Isorropia OptiPack Thyra EpetraExt Tpetra Triutils GlobiPack Shards Zoltan Epetra Kokkos RTOp Sacado ThreadPool Teuchos TrilinosFramework
   Trilinos_LIBRARIES = -lmsqutil -lmesquite -lmoochothyra -lmoocho -lrythmos -lmoertelmesh -lmoertel -llocathyra -llocaepetra -lloca -lnoxthyra -lnoxepetra -lnox -lintrepid -lanasazitpetra -lModeLaplace -lanasaziepetra -lanasazi -lfei_test_utils -lfei_trilinos -lfei_base -lstratimikos -lstratimikosbelos -lstratimikosaztecoo -lstratimikosamesos -lstratimikosml -lstratimikosifpack -lifpack2 -lbelostpetra -lbelosepetra -lbelos -lml -lkomplex -lifpack -lpamgen_extras -lpamgen -lamesos -lgaleri -laztecoo -ldpliris -lisorropia -loptipack -lthyratpetra -lthyraepetraext -lthyraepetra -lthyra -lepetraext -ltpetrainout -ltpetra -ltriutils -lglobipack -lshards -lzoltan -lsimpi -lepetra -lkokkoslinalg -lkokkosnodeapi -lkokkos -lrtop -lsacado -ltpi -lteuchos
   Trilinos_INCLUDE_DIRS = -I/usr/local/include
   Trilinos_LIBRARY_DIRS = -L/usr/local/lib
   Trilinos_TPL_INCLUDE_DIRS =
   Trilinos_TPL_LIBRARIES = /usr/lib/liblapack.so /usr/lib/libblas.so
   Trilinos_TPL_LIBRARY_DIRS =
End of Trilinos details

/usr/bin/g++ -c -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage  -g -O0  -I/usr/local/include  -DMYAPP_EPETRA src_file.cpp
/usr/bin/ar cr libmyappLib.a src_file.o
/usr/bin/g++ -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage  -g -O0  libmyappLib.a main_file.cpp -o MyApp.exe  -I/usr/local/include  -DMYAPP_EPETRA -L/usr/local/lib  -lmsqutil -lmesquite -lmoochothyra -lmoocho -lrythmos -lmoertelmesh -lmoertel -llocathyra -llocaepetra -lloca -lnoxthyra -lnoxepetra -lnox -lintrepid -lanasazitpetra -lModeLaplace -lanasaziepetra -lanasazi -lfei_test_utils -lfei_trilinos -lfei_base -lstratimikos -lstratimikosbelos -lstratimikosaztecoo -lstratimikosamesos -lstratimikosml -lstratimikosifpack -lifpack2 -lbelostpetra -lbelosepetra -lbelos -lml -lkomplex -lifpack -lpamgen_extras -lpamgen -lamesos -lgaleri -laztecoo -ldpliris -lisorropia -loptipack -lthyratpetra -lthyraepetraext -lthyraepetra -lthyra -lepetraext -ltpetrainout -ltpetra -ltriutils -lglobipack -lshards -lzoltan -lsimpi -lepetra -lkokkoslinalg -lkokkosnodeapi -lkokkos -lrtop -lsacado -ltpi -lteuchos /usr/lib/liblapack.so /usr/lib/libblas.so
/tmp/ccDeCfOv.o: In function `main':
/home/narendiran/Trilinos/test/demo/main_file.cpp:38: undefined reference to `buildDemo::src_file(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, Teuchos::Comm<int>&)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [MyApp.exe] Error 1
root at narendiran:/home/narendiran/Trilinos/test/demo#

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