[Trilinos-Users] Basic installation question (on Windows)

Victor Bursztyn victor at lb.com.br
Tue Mar 22 17:13:37 MDT 2011

Hello everyone,

I know this may be a fairly basic issue, but it's taking too long to be
solved, somehow.

I'm trying to make Trilinos 10.6.2 with CMake 2.8.4 and MingW 3.4.2, and
running into the following alert window:

title: cc1.exe
content (not literaly): This application could not be initialized due to
missing libgmp-10.dll. Reinstalling might solve the problem.

Even though libgmp-10.dll happens to be sitting on "mingw > bin", as I guess
it was supposed to be. I've tried reinstalling it with no progress, though.

I've used the straightforward windows installer for both CMake and MingW,
and I haven't done major modifications using CMake's GUI. It's configured
with the proper paths and using MingW's makefile.

Does anyone have a clue?

Thanks in antecipation for your help and attention.
Best regards,

P.S.: I've also tried copying the dll to system's path.
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