[Trilinos-Users] Trouble Reading Epetra Exported HDF5 Matrix in Matlab

Davood Ansari david.ansari at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 17:00:57 MST 2011

I have a distributed Epetra Matrix/Graph and I save it in HDF5 format with
the following method:

Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsGraph> globalCrsGraph ;

EpetraExt::HDF5 myHDF5(Comm);
myHDF5.Write("A", *globalCrsGraph);
myHDF5.Close() ;

When I use the follwing code to read and visulize the sparsity it in matlab
I only see the part of the graph that belongs to the last MPI process.

clear all;
close all;
NumGlobalCols = double(hdf5read('matrix.h5', '/A/NumGlobalCols/'));
NumGlobalRows = double(hdf5read('matrix.h5', '/A/NumGlobalRows/'));
NumGlobalNonzeros = double(hdf5read('matrix.h5', '/A/NumGlobalNonzeros/'));
Row = double(hdf5read('matrix.h5', '/A/ROW'));
Col = double(hdf5read('matrix.h5', '/A/COL'));
Val = double(hdf5read('matrix.h5', '/A/VAL'));
A=sparse(Row + 1, Col + 1, Val, NumGlobalRows, NumGlobalCols);

Any idea what is going on?

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