[Trilinos-Users] Unable to Build Trilinos with CUDA 4.0 [Kokkos Error]

Baker, Christopher G. bakercg at ornl.gov
Tue Mar 8 14:56:01 MST 2011

Hi Gennadiy,

I've upgraded to CUDA 4.0 on my dev machine and reproduced this build error. I've isolated the problem; it comes from calling on the host compiler length constructor on device_vector, which is not allowable anymore. I've got a query in with the Thrust developers. I'll get back to you ASAP on this.

Thanks for your patience and your help,

On 3/8/11 12:25 PM, "Gennadiy Rishkin" <gennadiy.rishkin at gmail.com<mailto:gennadiy.rishkin at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Chris,

Yes, I'm using the Thrust that came with CUDA 4.0 RC. I've attached my configure script and the results of running "make VERBOSE=1" in the packages/kokkos/NodeAPI/test directory.



On 8 March 2011 16:08, Baker, Christopher G. <bakercg at ornl.gov<mailto:bakercg at ornl.gov>> wrote:
Hi Gennadiy,

I haven't had a chance to download and test the CUDA 4.0 release candidate.
I would normally recommend checking Thrust, but it looks like you're using the Thrust that came with CUDA 4.0, so I assume there is no compatibility problem.
The line of code that is failing is in a file compiled by the host compiler, and it simply concerns the instantiation of a thrust::host_vector. This was supported in previous versions of Thrust.

Could you send me the command that you used to invoke cmake to configure Trilinos? Also, could you descend to the packages/kokkos/NodeAPI/test directory, run "make VERBOSE=1" and send me the output in a text file?


On 3/8/11 10:50 AM, "Gennadiy Rishkin" <gennadiy.rishkin at gmail.com<mailto:gennadiy.rishkin at gmail.com><mailto:gennadiy.rishkin at gmail.com<mailto:gennadiy.rishkin at gmail.com>>> wrote:


I get the following error when building Trilinos with CUDA enabled (CUDA 4.0):

/home/gennadiy/trilinos-10.6.2-Source/packages/kokkos/NodeAPI/test/ThrustGPUNodeTest.cpp:62:   instantiated from here
/usr/local/cuda/include/thrust/detail/device/cuda/for_each.inl:93: error: invalid application of ‘sizeof’ to incomplete type ‘thrust::detail::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE<false>’
/usr/local/cuda/include/thrust/detail/device/cuda/arch.h: At global scope:
/usr/local/cuda/include/thrust/detail/device/cuda/arch.h:59: warning: inline function ‘size_t thrust::detail::device::cuda::arch::compute_capability()’ used but never defined
make[2]: *** [packages/kokkos/NodeAPI/test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ThrustGPUNodeTestAndTiming.dir/ThrustGPUNodeTest.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [packages/kokkos/NodeAPI/test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ThrustGPUNodeTestAndTiming.dir/all] Error 2

There's a lot more output which I've snipped.


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