[Trilinos-Users] VbrMatrix RAM usage

Andrea Zonca zonca at deepspace.ucsb.edu
Fri Mar 4 12:19:56 MST 2011

I am really sorry to bug you again but this is really a showstopper for my work.
I continued my debugging on the Carver [1] cluster, with a different
compiler (PGI),
with different trilinos version, 10.4.0, getting the same results, a
VBR matrix storing 1.5 million doubles (about 115 MB)
has a memory usage of about 500MB per processor when using 2 processors.
Could somebody please spend 10 minutes testing my very simple code in [2] and
at least tell me if it is just me or you get the same results?
I was wondering whether I should try Tpetra, however I need the
functionality of FEVbrMatrix (setting elements on different
processors) that is not available in Tpetra.
andrea zonca

[1] http://www.nersc.gov/nusers/systems/carver/
[2] https://gist.github.com/848310

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