[Trilinos-Users] Epetra_FEVbrMatrix data entry issue

Andrea Zonca zonca at deepspace.ucsb.edu
Wed Feb 16 15:48:34 MST 2011

thanks Alan,

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 14:43, Williams, Alan B <william at sandia.gov> wrote:
> Your code loops over 'NumHits', but it always passes the same indices to the BeginSumIntoGlobalValues method. Shouldn't the indices change as the loop iterates? You're summing into block-row 2, block-col 1 on every processor and in every iteration of the loop.

for testing using the same indices is enough,
so, running with 2 processors, the first has 5 hits, the second 7.
As I am summing everything in block-row 2 block-col 2, I should have
this matrix at the end:
13 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
instead I get
7 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
so I get only the hits of the second processor, infact on the first
processor I get error code 2 from EndSubmitEntries().

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