[Trilinos-Users] [EXTERNAL] Compiling Trilinos

Heroux, Michael A maherou at sandia.gov
Tue Dec 27 10:35:33 MST 2011


Many of your questions are addressed in the following quick start guide:


There is a section on BLAS/LAPACK, OpenMP and testing, and a lot of other
useful topics.

If you have questions after looking over this document, please let us know.

In case you haven't found them, there are also sample cmake scripts in the
trilinos/sampleScripts directory.


On 12/26/11 9:51 AM, "Andrea Arteaga" <andyspiros at gmail.com> wrote:

>Dear All
>I'm trying to do a slightly advanced compilation of Trilinos;
>actually, I'm writing a script for an automatic compilation of
>Trilinos on a GNU/Linux environment. I have a few questions regarding
>the build system.
>I have to specify a few flags for the linkage against those libraries.
>Depending on the implementation choosen by the user, I have include
>dirs (less important), compilation flags such as --fopenmp, linker
>flags such as --as-needed, link directories such as -L/opt/...,
>dynamic libraries such as --lpthread. Where should I add all these
>flags? I don't see any BLAS_CFLAGS, BLAS_LDFLAGS or similar variable;
>should I use CMAKE_CFLAGS and similar instead?
>In any case the script will compile the libraries. In some cases
>(depending on the user's choise) it will run the tests, too. As the
>compilation occours in different stages, I would like to "make libs"
>and then, if the user requested them, compile and run the tests.
>Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this: if I try "make test" after
>"make libs", it tries to run the tests without having them compiled,
>which results in failures for all tests. "make help" does not help me
>finding a target which compiles the tests. Is there such a target? If
>I just do "make", what is actually compiled?
>Where can I find a list of required and optional dependencies of
>Trilinos? Or maybe a per-package list, which would be very helpful.
>Thanks in advance.
>Best regards
>Andrea Arteaga
>Trilinos-Users mailing list
>Trilinos-Users at software.sandia.gov

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