[Trilinos-Users] trilinos 10.8.3 build failure with Visual Studio 10

Hoemmen, Mark mhoemme at sandia.gov
Mon Dec 5 16:30:55 MST 2011

Spake John R. Cary <cary at colorado.edu> on Fri, 25 Nov 2011:
> Have others seen this?
> [Visual Studio 10 build error involving Teuchos_PerformanceMonitorBase.cpp]

I've never seen this and I don't have access to Visual Studio 10, but I'll proactively #include <iterator> in the .cpp file just in case, and will back-port the fix to the 10.8 release branch.  It should make it into the 10.8.4 tarball.  You can try including <iterator> in the .cpp file (right under the other includes) to see if that helps.

There's an interesting note on the std::back_inserter example in the MSDN documentation:


which suggests that using std::back_inserter may require building with the /EHsc compiler flag.  I don't know how relevant this is, but it may be something else to try.

Thanks for pointing this out!  

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