[Trilinos-Users] Compilation of Trilinos 10 on BlueGene/P

Radu Popescu i.radu.popescu at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 07:39:28 MDT 2010


I've made some progress with the BlueGene. I was trying to use a cmake
toolchain file, for cross compilation, as per the instructions on the
cmake wiki, but that just completely confused cmake.

I've managed to bypass the cross compilation toolchain file by makeing
symlinks to the mpi wrappers for the IBM compilers and making sure the
location of these symlinks is the first location in the PATH env

During configuration, Trilinos picks up these compilers by default and
configurations completes successfully. However, during compilation I
am getting a new error:
It seems that the std::abs(int) functions has multiple definitions,
one in <cmath> and one in <cstdlib>. The exact error message is:

"abs" is declared on line 141 of

I've tried passing the "-Wl,-allow-multiple-definition" flag, but it
doesn't seem to work. Maybe I'm not doing it correctly. Also, is it
that although the XL compilers are used, ld is still the tool called
for linking.


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