[Trilinos-Users] Komplex vs. Epetra_LocalMap

Przemysław Kłosiewicz przemyslaw.klosiewicz at ua.ac.be
Sat Oct 23 06:49:00 MDT 2010

Dear all

I am solving a moderately sized complex linear system Ax = b using Amesos. In order to obtain an equivalent real-valued formulation I use Komplex which needs re(A), im(A), re(b), etc... separately.
As long as I use a regular Epetra_Map for these matrices & vectors all goes well. However, for some well-defined reason I don't want these matrices to be distributed so I tried using an Epetra_LocalMap (or an Epetra_Map with NumGlobalElements = NumMyElements).
This is where Komplex fails: During the creation of a Komplex_LinearProblem from matrices created with such maps I get the following exception:

Throw number = 1
Throw test that evaluated to true: KomplexMatrix_->InsertGlobalValues(Row, NumIndices, Values, Indices)<0

This only happens when running with mpi and where the number of processors > 1.

I have the impression Komplex tries to create double-sized distributed maps from the original map, even though they should stay local.
Is this a bug, a feature or am I misusing the Epetra_LocalMap?


(ps: the reason why I don't want Ax=b to be distributed is that I need to solve these systems for a range of parameters p, as in: A(p)x = b(p) which can all be done in parallel with minimal communication.)

Przemyslaw Klosiewicz
PhD Student @ CoMP Research Group
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Antwerp
Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium

Office (G2.07):  T (+32) 3 265 32 80, F (+32) 3 265 37 77, E Przemyslaw.Klosiewicz at ua.ac.be
Home: T (+32) 497 24 18 82, E przemek.klosiewicz at gmail.com, Skype przemek_klosiewicz

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