[Trilinos-Users] makefile

Perschbacher, Brent M bmpersc at sandia.gov
Mon Nov 22 11:20:31 MST 2010

Hello Alireza,
  The information you sent looks like it should have worked. The only thing that seemed off was that the makefile time stamp was in the future, but that is likely due to either the machine you downloaded the makefile on or the machine you ran it on has their clock set wrong which shouldn't be causing this issue.

The actual link line does have the path to where the Trilinos libraries should be installed. Can you verify that there is a libepetra.a in /usr/local/trilinos-10.6.1__Install_mpi_wrapper_debug/lib for me?

Here is the full link line from the output you sent with the path to where it should be looking for the Trilinos libraries highlighted.

/usr/local/lam-7.1.4/bin/mpic++ -g -O0 -g -O0  /usr/lib64/libm.so -I/usr/local/trilinos-10.6.1__Install_mpi_wrapper_debug/include  -DMYAPP_EPETRA -L/usr/local/trilinos-10.6.1__Install_mpi_wrapper_debug/lib  -laztecoo -ltpetrainout -ltpetra -ltriutils -lepetra -lkokkoslinalg -lkokkosnodeapi -lkokkos -ltpi -lteuchos /usr/lib64/liblapack.so /usr/lib64/libblas.so libmyappLib.a -o MyApp.exe

If the epetra library is in that directory can you run nm on it to see which symbols are in the library and make sure that the missing symbols are there. If you are unfamiliar with nm something like:

nm -C libepetra.a |grep "MpiComm" > nm.out

Would be sufficient to see if the mpi communicator is in the library. (note that the -C will demangle the names on linux systems if you have gnu binutils version of nm, if not just leave the -C out)

Alternatively you could just send the results of "nm -C libepetra.a" to me and I can take a look at it. If you do that send it directly to me please, as it will be a fairly long file that shouldn't be sent to the user list.



On 11/19/10 11:52 PM, "Alireza Nejadmalayeri" <Alireza.Nejadmalayeri at colorado.edu> wrote:


I am trying to build a small code with the attached makefile but I am getting the following errors.

It seems none of the packages are identified. To my understanding,  include $(MYAPP_TRILINOS_DIR)/include/Makefile.export.Trilinos  should make all the installed packages accessible?!

Any thoughts/suggestions?

Thank you,
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