[Trilinos-Users] Matrix-Free Linear Solver (using AztecOO)

Alireza Nejadmalayeri Alireza.Nejadmalayeri at Colorado.EDU
Thu Nov 4 01:16:47 MDT 2010

Hello everyone,

In an attempt to construct a Matrix-Free linear solver, based on Didasko Epetra_Operator example, ex22.cpp, I made a simple test case for solving Lu=v using AztecOO 

where for simplicity, linear operator Lu is set to be equal to u,
"initial u" and "v" are given.
(please refer to the attached source file)

Therefore, the solution should be v itself, i.e. u=v.

However, once calling  "Solver.Iterate(...)", I am getting the following message and have not been able to find out what I am doing wrong.

     terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'

I would appreciate if someone could point out my mistake(s).

Thank you,
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