[Trilinos-Users] linking debug on Windows

Matthew Koch mkoch at txcorp.com
Wed Jun 16 11:15:26 MDT 2010

I've looked at the compiler options (you can copy them either from the buildlog file or in the 
advanced tab under properties) and I'm pretty sure that what few differences there are (different 
preprocessor definitions for the most part) are not causing the problem.  However, I tried 
outputting the preprocessor .i files and it looks like free is actually being redefined as 
_free_dbg, and if I add the #undef free in front of the method definition, the include complains 
that it can't find _free_dbg.  So, I suspect that in debug there is a difference between how Intel 
expects things to be named and how MSVC is naming them.

I think there are some options for naming that I can experiment with next.


On 6/16/2010 10:25 AM, Bill Hoffman wrote:
> On 6/16/2010 12:01 AM, Matthew Koch wrote:
>> The exact compiler error message is:
>> C:\trilinos-10.2.1-Source-serial-bin\include\Teuchos_RCPDecl.hpp(934): error: expected a type specifier
>> 	void free( T* ptr ) { }
>>     	     ^
> I am wondering if free is somehow being redefined or something like that...
> If you run the preprocessor on the code what do you get?
> With VS IDE, this can be done by right clicking on a file that includes
> Teuchos_RCPDecl.hpp, and changing the properties to save the
> preprocessed output.   This will create a .i file that will have the
> expanded code.   It looks  like free is being redefined to something else...
> A quick test of that might be to add a #undef free on line 933 of that
> file and see if it helps...
> -Bill
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