[Trilinos-Users] Sending the resulting eigenvector to master node

Mehmet Salih YILDIRIM linux at isadamlari.org
Wed Jun 2 14:02:43 MDT 2010


I'd been trying to send the resulting eigenvector to the master node (that
is, with MyPID() =0) and i wrote the following code:

 int numMyElements;

>     if (Comm.MyPID() == 0)

        numMyElements = segment->pixelIndices.size(); //that is, the total
> number of elements of an eigenvector (also the row count of operator of
> eigenproblem)


        numMyElements = 0;

>     Epetra_Map targetMap(-1, numMyElements, 0, Comm);

>     Epetra_Vector eigenVector(targetMap); //will be collected on the master
> node.

>     Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Vector> vectorToSend;

>     const Epetra_BlockMap *sourceMap;

    if (solverReturn == Anasazi::Converged) {

        Anasazi::Eigensolution<ST, MV> solution =
> generalizedProblem->getSolution();

>         int numEigenPairs = solution.numVecs;

>         Teuchos::RCP<MV> evecs = solution.Evecs;

        std::vector<Anasazi::Value<ST> > evals = solution.Evals;

>         int ourEvIdx = 0;

        if (numEigenPairs == 2)

            if (evals[0].realpart < evals[1].realpart)

                ourEvIdx = 1;

        evecs->Multiply(1,*invSqrtD, *evecs, 0.0);

        vectorToSend = Teuchos::rcp((*evecs)(ourEvIdx));

        sourceMap = &vectorToSend->Map();


    Epetra_Import importer(targetMap, *sourceMap);

    eigenVector.Import(*vectorToSend, importer, Add); // send eigenvector to
processor 1

However i get a fault like : (something like segmentation fault i think)

*** glibc detected *** ./opencv_deneme: corrupted double-linked list:
> 0x000000002006cec0 ***

======= Backtrace: =========














======= Memory map: ========

00400000-0051e000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 9864086
>  /home/proje/trilinos_ile_ilk_deneme/opencv
> deneme/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/opencv_deneme

0071e000-00725000 rw-p 0011e000 03:01 9864086
>  /home/proje/trilinos_ile_ilk_deneme/opencv
> deneme/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/opencv_deneme

1fff8000-20100000 rw-p 1fff8000 00:00 0
>  [heap]

3a68600000-3a689f6000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 6687839
>  /usr/lib64/atlas/liblapack.so.3.0

3a689f6000-3a68bf6000 ---p 003f6000 03:01 6687839
>  /usr/lib64/atlas/liblapack.so.3.0

3a68bf6000-3a68bf9000 rw-p 003f6000 03:01 6687839
>  /usr/lib64/atlas/liblapack.so.3.0

3a68bf9000-3a68cfd000 rw-p 3a68bf9000 00:00 0

3a69600000-3a69cec000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 6687846
>  /usr/lib64/atlas/libatlas.so.3.0

3a69cec000-3a69eeb000 ---p 006ec000 03:01 6687846
>  /usr/lib64/atlas/libatlas.so.3.0

3a69eeb000-3a69ef5000 rw-p 006eb000 03:01 6687846
>  /usr/lib64/atlas/libatlas.so.3.0

3a6c200000-3a6c254000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 5380294
>  /usr/lib64/libblas.so.3.0.3

3a6c254000-3a6c453000 ---p 00054000 03:01 5380294
>  /usr/lib64/libblas.so.3.0.3

3a6c453000-3a6c454000 rw-p 00053000 03:01 5380294
>  /usr/lib64/libblas.so.3.0.3

3a6ca00000-3a6ca1e000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 6687833
>  /usr/lib64/atlas/libcblas.so.3.0

> and so on.

So how may i solve this problem? I couldn't figure out where I am mistaken.

Any help is appreciated,
Mehmet Salih YILDIRIM
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