[Trilinos-Users] Epetra_CrsMatrix multiplication with a complex vector

Nico Schlömer nico.schloemer at ua.ac.be
Sun Jan 24 06:44:24 MST 2010

Hi David,

when dealing with complex-valued vectors and matrices, Tpetra is your
friend: As opposed to Epetra, you can stuff basically any scalar type into
it, e.g, complex<double>.

As of now I don't believe it's possible to have two Tpetra objects
interact which don't exactly share their scalar types, e.g., double vs.
complex<double>. -- Trilinos devs, am I up-to-date here?

As a workaround, you could just create your Hamiltonian as a
complex<double> matrix, which admittedly wastes the memory that all the
imaginary part zeros occupy. Anyway, I attached a minimal example for
complex<double> Tpetra matrix-vector multiplication.


On Sun, 24 Jan 2010 13:23:41 +0100, "David Hochstuhl"
<Davidhochstuhl at web.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> at first I want to thank the trilinos team for all those impressing
> program pakets.
> Up to now, I only use the anasazi package to do Configuration
> i.e. to find the eigenvalues/-vectors of a quantum chemistry Hamiltonian
> matrix. 
> The solutions shall serve as initial states for a subsequent time
> evolution, in which an electromagnetic field is applied to the system.
> Now, to solve this task with Runge-Kutta, one needs to apply the real
> Hamiltonian matrix to a complex vector.
> So, is there any straightforward way to do this efficiently within
> trilinos ?
> Thanks in advance,
> David
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-------------- next part --------------
#include <Teuchos_RCP.hpp>
#include <Teuchos_DefaultComm.hpp>
#include <Tpetra_Map.hpp>
#include <Tpetra_CrsMatrix.hpp>

using namespace std;

// date type of the matrix
typedef complex<double> matrixType;

typedef Tpetra::Vector<complex<double> > ComplexVector;
typedef Tpetra::CrsMatrix<matrixType>    Matrix;

int main () {

    // Initialize MPI
#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  // Create a communicator for Tpetra objects
  const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > Comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();

  int NumComplexUnknowns = 10;
  // create map
  Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra::Map<int> >  ComplexMap
              = Teuchos::rcp(new Tpetra::Map<int>(NumComplexUnknowns, 0, Comm));
  Tpetra::Vector<complex<double> > z = ComplexVector(ComplexMap);

  // take a look at the vector
  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const complex<double> > zView = z.get1dView();
  for (unsigned int k=0;k<ComplexMap->getGlobalNumElements(); k++ )
     cout << "z[" << k << "] = " << zView[k] << endl;

  // create the matrix as diagonal matrixType
  // ( 1, 1/2, 1/3, ... )
  Matrix H(ComplexMap,ComplexMap,0);
  Teuchos::Array<int>        cols(1);
  Teuchos::Array<matrixType> values(1);
  for (unsigned int row=0; row<ComplexMap->getNodeNumElements(); row++) {
    cols[0] = ComplexMap->getGlobalElement(row);
    values[0] = 1.0 / (cols[0]+1);
    H.insertLocalValues( row, cols, values );

  // compute H*z and store the result in res
  Tpetra::Vector<complex<double> > res = ComplexVector(ComplexMap);
  H.multiply( z, res, Teuchos::NO_TRANS );

    // take a look at the result
  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const complex<double> > resView = res.get1dView();
  for (unsigned int k=0;k<ComplexMap->getGlobalNumElements(); k++ )
     cout << "res[" << k << "] = " << resView[k] << endl;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  return 0;
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include $(TRILINOS_ROOT)/include/Makefile.client.Tpetra


default: $(EXE)

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