[Trilinos-Users] Tpetra and Kokkos with CUDA backend

Baker, Christopher G. bakercg at ornl.gov
Mon Aug 23 03:41:52 MDT 2010

Hello Radu,

It looks like Trilinos 10.4 GPU capability is not compatible with CUDA 3.1 (3.1 wasn't out at the time that I developed 10.4). I am fixing 10.4 to address this; I will send you the updated files after I patch the 10.4 branch. Otherwise, you can wait for the next 10.4.x release or the first 10.6.0 release.


On 8/20/10 6:46 AM, "Radu Popescu" <i.radu.popescu at gmail.com> wrote:


I am trying to compile Trilinos 10.4 with Tpetra and Kokkos enabled. I
am interested in testing Tpetra with the Kokkos backend, on GPU and
hybrid nodes.
The process fails when nvcc is compiling CUDA files in Kokkos (error:
calling a host function from a __device__/__global__ function is not
Is there any sort of extra configuration required for Trilinos when using nvcc?

The following is the setup I am using:

Linux 64bit

Trilinos 10.4 - Enabled packages: Epetra, EpetraExt, Tpetra, Teuchos,
Kokkos, ThreadPool, AztecOO, Amesos, Ifpack, ML, Zoltan, Triutils,

Third-party libraries for Trilinos: UMFPACK, Pthread, GotoBLAS,

gcc 4.4.4

NVIDIA developer driver 256.40
CUDA 3.1 - compiled examples in SDK for both C for CUDA and OpenCL
with gcc 4.4.4 - no problems reported, and no extra configuration
required (no -fpermissive compiler option required)

Thrust 1.2.1 - tested and works, without any extra configuration

Thank you.

Radu Popescu

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