[Trilinos-Users] Compiling Trilinos 10.0.1 on Mac.

Bartlett, Roscoe A rabartl at sandia.gov
Thu Oct 29 08:30:29 MDT 2009


Chris Baker was able to reproduce the problem and found the cause.   Can you please apply the attached patch and see if it fixes this problem?  The fix will be in the next minor release of Trilinos 10.

What is happening here is that some of these Trilinos CMakeLists.txt files are missing explicit info about the interdependencies of some libraries.   This info should be needed by CMake for correctly creating shared libraries and linking the libraries in the right order.   The design of the Trilinos CMake build system makes sure that all the libraries will be listed on every link line but without the correct ordering info, CMake may not put them in the right order (or may not create the shared libraries correctly which might be the case here).  For some reason, these still linked just fine on all the Unix, Windows, and Mac machines on which we are testing.  It has only been these newer Macs that are showing the defects (and these are defects).   This is very frustrating.

The Trilinos project needs to get a hold of one of these newer Macs that can reproduce the problem and add it as a nightly test machine so that this never happens again.

Let me know if this does not work or if you have any other such link problems.

- Ross

From: Ted Kord [mailto:teddy.kord at googlemail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1:21 PM
To: Bartlett, Roscoe A
Cc: Luca Heltai; trilinos-users at software.sandia.gov; Chris Baker
Subject: Re: [Trilinos-Users] Compiling Trilinos 10.0.1 on Mac.

I applied the patch, all optional dependencies turned on, reconfigured and then 'make' but I also still get the same errors in linking to Stratimikos:

Linking CXX shared library libstratimikos.dylib
Undefined symbols:
  "Thyra::MLPreconditionerFactory::MLPreconditionerFactory()", referenced from:
      Teuchos::AllocatorNew<Thyra::MLPreconditionerFactory>::allocate() const   in Stratimikos_DefaultLinearSolverBuilder.cpp.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [packages/stratimikos/src/libstratimikos.dylib] Error 1
make[1]: *** [packages/stratimikos/src/CMakeFiles/stratimikos.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

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