[Trilinos-Users] can't find libmpi_f77

Kevin Long kevin.long at ttu.edu
Sat Nov 21 15:08:47 MST 2009

Since pulling from the development branch on Thursday, I've been getting the 
following error when trying to run executables built with the client 

./cxx_main.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libmpi_f77.so.0: cannot 
open shared object file: No such file or directory

The problem was first noticed bulding some Sundance and Sacado-based codes, 
but I've since stripped the build down to epetra only and the problem 
remains. The epetra tests compile, link, and run correctly within the 
Trilinos build directory. However, in a user-space directory using the client 
makefile, they compile and link but fail at runtime with the error shown. 

I've changed neither my system configuration nor anything in the client 
makefile logic for many weeks. I didn't notice any recent changes by others 
that might have obvious impact on the export makefiles. 

Has anyone seen similar problems, or have any idea what might be the cause?   



Kevin Long
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 

"The end of fear is the beginning of wisdom" 
    -- Bertrand Russell

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