[Trilinos-Users] ML options unused

Nico Schlömer nico.schloemer at ua.ac.be
Wed Jul 1 06:08:47 MDT 2009


now here's once more strange behavior in the latest Trilinos:

We're using the ML preconditioner here within NOX (but I guess it shouldn't 
make a bit difference where it's used), and tell ML to do something like

============== *snip* ==============
 lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "ML");
  Teuchos::ParameterList& MLParams = lsParams.sublist("ML");
  MLParams.set("ML output"                    , 10 );
  MLParams.set("smoother: sweeps"             , 0 );
  MLParams.set("coarse: max size"             , 70000);
  MLParams.set("coarse: type"             , "Amesos-KLU");
============== *snip* ==============

>From what the output of a run suggests

============== *snip* ==============
         coarse: max size = 70000   [unused]
         aggregation: smoothing sweeps = 0   [unused]
         coarse: max size = 70000   [unused]
         coarse: type = Amesos-KLU   [unused]
         smoother: sweeps = 0   [unused]
============== *snap* ==============

you'd think that you misspelled the option keys or something like that, at 
least that the options aren't used. When looking at ML's output (generated by  
setting "ML output" to 10), what you can see is

============== *snip* ==============
** Leaving column map of Main linear system matrix unchanged
Max coarse size = 70000
Amesos (level 0) : Building KLU
============== *snap* ==============

Now, what, are they used or not?


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