[Trilinos-Users] drop tolerance and ILU IFPACK

Lucia Mirabella lucia at mathcs.emory.edu
Wed Oct 29 12:38:50 MDT 2008

Thank you very much, Mike: I solved that problem implementing your last 

However, I have another one: in my code I am using an ILU 
preconditioner, following the example that I've found in a BlockCG 
example (BlockPrecCGEpetraExFile.cpp).

std::string PrecType = "ILU"; // incomplete LU
int OverlapLevel = 1;
Prec = Teuchos::rcp( Factory.Create(PrecType, &*B_rcp, OverlapLevel) );
ifpackList.set("fact: drop tolerance", drop_tol_IFPACK);

In particular, I am testing the effect of the ILU drop tolerance on the 
sparsity of L and U factors and on the CPU time and iteration for 
solving the linear system. The problem is that even changing a lot the 
drop tolerance (from 1e-9 to 10!), I cannot see any effect.

Do someone know what this is due to?

Thanks again,


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