[Trilinos-Users] Trilinos-Users Digest, Vol 38, Issue 13

Riccardo Rossi rrossi at cimne.upc.edu
Fri Oct 17 03:12:30 MDT 2008

dear all,

I am trying to write an interface to use the trilinos linear algebra
within my code.

unfortunately i am currently relying on the presence of an empty
constructor for my Matrix and Vector classes which i then "resize" (read
create a new object with the correct size and assign it to the first)
when i arrive to know the size and distribution across the processors
they are supposed to have.

The Epetra_FECrsMAtrix and Vector do not have such a constructor. I am
planning to construct them with an "empty" map, meaning a map with 0
global elements. ... does anyone know if this approach is likely to work

any comment or suggestion is welcome

thanks in advance 

Riccardo Rossi, Ph.D, Civil Engineer
member of the Kratos Group: kratos.cimne.upc.es
Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (CIMNE)
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC)
Edificio C-1, campus Norte UPC
Gran Capitan, s/n
08034 Barcelona, España
Tel. (+34) 93 401 73 99

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