[Trilinos-Users] ScaLapack not found during config

Jonathan Pitt jsp203 at psu.edu
Thu Oct 16 13:17:31 MDT 2008

Dear Trilinos developers and users,

I have been trying to include scalapack in trilinos, but so far have  
been unsuccessful.  I have built and tested scalapack on my machine  
(Intel Mac with 10.5), and think I am telling the configuration where  
to find scalapack; however, I receive this error:

checking for dgemm_ in -lblas... (cached) yes
checking for dgecon_... no
checking for dgecon_ in -llapack... yes
checking whether to use amesos-lapack... yes
checking whether to use amesos-superludist... no
checking whether to use amesos-dscpack... no
checking whether to use amesos-scalapack... yes
checking whether to use amesos-umfpack... no
checking whether to use amesos-superlu... no
checking whether to use amesos-klu... yes
checking whether to use amesos-mumps... no
checking whether to use amesos-mumps_mpi_c2f... yes
checking whether to use amesos-old_mumps... no
checking whether to use amesos-pardiso... no
checking whether to use amesos-paraklete... no
checking whether to use amesos-taucs... no
checking whether to use amesos-mc64... no
configure: error: Cannot find the SCALAPACK library, specify a  
location using --with-libs, (ex.  --with-libs=/home/username/lib/ 
libscalack.a, or use --with-libs=-lscalapack --with-ldflags=-L/hhome/ 
configure: error: ./configure failed for packages/amesos

First of all, I am certain the file is present.

% ls -la /Users/jpitt/prog/lib/scalapack/libscalapack.a
% -rw-r--r--  1 jpitt  staff  5560420 Oct 16 14:26 /Users/jpitt/prog/ 

Secondly, my configuration options are:

  --prefix=$TRILINOS_DIR \
  --enable-mpi \
  --with-mpi-compilers \
  --disable-default-packages \
  --enable-amesos \
  --enable-amesos-scalapack \
--enable-aztecoo  \
--enable-epetra \
--enable-ifpack \
--enable-ml \
--enable-sacado \
--enable-teuchos \
--enable-triutils \
--with-libs="/Users/jpitt/prog/lib/scalapack/libscalapack.a /Users/ 
jpitt/prog/lib/BLACS/LIB/blacsCinit_MPI-OSX-0.a /Users/jpitt/prog/lib/ 
BLACS/LIB/blacsF77init_MPI-OSX-0.a /Users/jpitt/prog/lib/BLACS/LIB/ 
blacs_MPI-OSX-0.a" \
F77=mpif77 \
CC=mpicc \

I am using the same compilers (custom openmpi) for everything, I get  
no errors or warnings when compiling or testing BLACS/SCALAPACK, and I  
have made certain to make the system adjustments so that my mpi  
compilers are not getting confused with the ones distributed in the  
Apple Developer Tools (which lack fortran compilers, sigh..).

Does anyone have any ideas?  I built ScaLapack with single, double,  
and complex....is Trilinos possibly looking for complex16 symbols and  
not finding them?

Thank you in advance for any help or ideas.

Jon Pitt

Jonathan Pitt
Ph.D. Candidate
Laboratory for Parallel Computational Mechanics
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
The Pennsylvania State University

212 EES Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16801
jsp203 at psu.edu

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