[Trilinos-Users] linking problems

Wilbert Weijer wilbert at lanl.gov
Wed Oct 1 10:51:49 MDT 2008


I'm having a hopefully trivial problem, which nonetheless has been
bugging me for days now: 

In the configure phase of the package ml, the linker 'ld' isn't able to
find the library -lmpichcxx. This is despite the fact that I directly
point to the directory with the --with-mpi directive. I even have the
environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to point to this directory. 

When I don't include the ml package, configure and make go well, but now
'make tests' gives me trouble: again the linker 'ld' cannot find the
library -lmpich (when making tests of sacado). 

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!



My configure script:

../configure --
lapack=/home/wilbert/Libraries/LAPACK/lapack-3.1.1/lapack_gfortran.a \
--with-mpi-compilers F77=mpif77 F90=mpif90 CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx
--with-mpi=/home/wilbert/Libraries/MPICH/mpich2-1.0.7/linux_gfortran \
--with-mpi-libs="-lmpich" \
--enable-nox --enable-belos --enable-ifpack --disable-ml \
--enable-teuchos --enable-teuchos-complex --enable-teuchos-extended \
--enable-sacado --enable-nox-lapack --enable-epetraext \
--enable-nox-epetra --enable-anasazi --enable-epetra \
--enable-nox-epetra-examples --enable-loca \

Wilbert Weijer                        Phone:   (505) 667 7469
CCS-2, MS B296                        Fax:     (505) 667 5921
Los Alamos National Laboratory        E-mail:  wilbert at lanl.gov
Los Alamos, NM 87545                  URL: http://public.lanl.gov/wilbert

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