[Trilinos-Users] Type F_INT not found (compilation of packages/amesos/src/Amesos_Mumps.cpp)

Ernesto Prudencio prudenci at slac.stanford.edu
Sat Jan 12 16:28:52 MST 2008


I am using trilinos 8.0.3 and mumps 4.7.3.

The type F_INT appears only twice in the cpp file. Based on the file 
<MUMPS_PATH>/include/dmumps_c.h, I changed F_INT by DMUMPS_INT:

     MDS.comm_fortran = (DMUMPS_INT) MPI_Comm_c2f( MUMPSComm_);
     MDS.comm_fortran = (DMUMPS_INT) MPI_Comm_c2f(MpiComm->GetMpiComm());

The compilation then passes at AIX/bassi/NERSC.

Question: is such F_INT error expected? If so, is the correction ok for 
the trilinos team?

All other packages in trilinos are compiling ok in the bassi platform.



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