[Trilinos-Users] AztecOO Error

Virginia Costa virscosta at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 07:53:17 MST 2007

I want to use the AztecOO package, but it returns me the following linker

make ns3d
g++ clVector.o clVector_Ext.o clMatrix.o clDMatrix.o clMatrix_Ext.o
Model3D.o TElement.o FEMLinElement.o FEMMiniElement.o Galerkin.o
SemiLagrangean.o Solver.o Precond.o ICholesky.o ILU.o Diagonal.o IC_splib.o
ILU_splib.o CGSolver.o CGSolver2.o PCGSolver.o CGSSolver.o GMRes.o
GSLSolver.o AztecOOSolver.o Simulator3D.o InOut.o main.o -L/opt/local/lib
-lgsl -lgslcblas -lm  -L../sparselib/lib -lsparse -lspblas -lmv -lblas
-llapack -L../trilinos/LINUX_SERIAL/lib -lepetra -lepetraext -ltriutils
-lifpack -lml -lteuchos -laztecoo -g -w -O3 -o ns3d

../trilinos/LINUX_SERIAL/lib/libaztecoo.a(AztecOO.o): In function
`AztecOO_uppercase(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
std::allocator<char> > const&)':
../../../../packages/aztecoo/src/AztecOO.cpp:206: undefined reference to
`Teuchos::StrUtils::allCaps(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
std::allocator<char> > const&)'
../trilinos/LINUX_SERIAL/lib/libaztecoo.a(AztecOO.o): In function
`AztecOO::PrintLinearSystem(char const*)':
../../../../packages/aztecoo/src/AztecOO.cpp:1306: undefined reference to
`typeinfo for Epetra_VbrMatrix'
../trilinos/LINUX_SERIAL/lib/libaztecoo.a(AztecOO.o): In function
`AztecOO::SetParameters(Teuchos::ParameterList&, bool)':
../../../../packages/aztecoo/src/AztecOO.cpp:292: undefined reference to
`Teuchos::ParameterList::begin() const'
../../../../packages/aztecoo/src/AztecOO.cpp:293: undefined reference to
`Teuchos::ParameterList::end() const'
../trilinos/LINUX_SERIAL/lib/libaztecoo.a(AztecOO.o): In function
`std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
undefined reference to `Teuchos::demangleName(std::basic_string<char,
std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: ** [ns3d] Erro 1

I used configure with the following options, when I build trilinos:

../configure --prefix=/root/workspace/GesarLA/trilinos-8.0.4/LINUX_SERIAL/
--with-blas=/usr/lib/libblas.so.3 --with-lapack=/usr/lib/liblapack.so.3
--enable-tests --enable-examples --enable-belos

And make like this

make everything
make install-everything

And I have this makefile

TARGET = ns3d
DIR = ./
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -g -w -O3

LIBS += -L/opt/local/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas
LIBS += -lm
LIBS += -L../sparselib/lib -lsparse -lspblas -lmv
LIBS += -lblas -llapack
LIBS += -L../trilinos/LINUX_SERIAL/lib -lepetra -lepetraext -ltriutils
-lifpack -lml -lteuchos -laztecoo

INCLUDES += -I$(DIR) -I/opt/local/include
INCLUDES += -I../sparselib/include -I../sparselib/mv/include
INCLUDES += -I../trilinos/LINUX_SERIAL/include

OBJECTS += clVector.o
OBJECTS += clVector_Ext.o
OBJECTS += clMatrix.o
OBJECTS += clDMatrix.o
OBJECTS += clMatrix_Ext.o
OBJECTS += Model3D.o
OBJECTS += TElement.o
OBJECTS += FEMLinElement.o
OBJECTS += FEMMiniElement.o
OBJECTS += Galerkin.o
OBJECTS += SemiLagrangean.o
OBJECTS += Solver.o
OBJECTS += Precond.o
OBJECTS += ICholesky.o
OBJECTS += Diagonal.o
OBJECTS += IC_splib.o
OBJECTS += ILU_splib.o
OBJECTS += CGSolver.o
OBJECTS += CGSolver2.o
OBJECTS += PCGSolver.o
OBJECTS += CGSSolver.o
OBJECTS += GSLSolver.o
OBJECTS += AztecOOSolver.o
OBJECTS += Simulator3D.o
OBJECTS += InOut.o
OBJECTS += main.o

    $(CC) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET)

%.o : %.cpp $(wildcard *.h)
    $(CC) $(INCLUDES) -c $< $(CFLAGS) -o $@

.PHONY: clean

    @rm -f core
    @find . -name "*.o" -exec rm {} \;
    @find . -name "*~" -exec rm {} \;

    @rm -f core
    @find . -name "*.o" -exec rm {} \;
    @find . -name "*~" -exec rm {} \;
    @rm -f $(TARGET)
    @rm -f ./vtk/*.vtk
    @rm -f ./sim/*.dat
    @rm -f ./relatorio.dat

# makefile help
# $@ is the name of the file to be made
# $? is the names of the changed dependents
# $< the name of the related file that caused the action
# $* the prefix shared by target and dependent files

So, Does somebody know what's happening?
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