[Trilinos-Users] sundance-meros update

Gideon Simpson grs2103 at columbia.edu
Fri Apr 27 10:51:47 MDT 2007

Playing around, I discovered that I could get my sundance program to  
at least compile with the header files for meros included by going  
into the meros header files in my trilinos installation directory and  
modifying them to explcitly reference the namespaces of the templates  
so that instead of having things like:
they were replaced with
and analogously for other such LinearOperator,  
PreconditionerFactoryBase, etc.

Why I need to do this for it to work with Sundance, and not for a  
stand alone meros program, is beyond me, but anyways this at least  
addresses the compiling with headers included.  Whether or not this  
will work when I actually try to use the meros preconditioner remains  
to be seen.

-Gideon Simpson
  Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
  Columbia University

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