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Options for NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama.

The following is the contents of the file Moocho.opt.NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama which are options specific to the class MoochoPack::NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama and the class objects that it configures.

*** Begin Moocho.opt.NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama

*** All of these options can be used with the NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama
*** algorithm configuration class.
*** See the file Moocho.opt.DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd
*** for more options that are used by this class.
*** This file will be maintained and will include every option that
*** users can set.  Most of these options the user will want to leave
*** alone but they are there in any case.

*** Options specific for the rSQP algorithm configuration
*** class NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama.
options_group NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama {

*** Variable Reduction range/null space decomposition

*    max_basis_cond_change_frac = -1.0;  *** [default]
     *** (+-dbl) If < 0 then the solver will decide what value to use.
     *** Otherwise this is the change in a very inexact condition number estimate
     *** between iterations (see printed algorithm description) which triggers the
     *** selection of a new basis.
     *** Example values:
     ***    -1 : Allow solver to decide [default] 
     ***     0 : Switch to a new basis every iteration (not a good idea)
     ***   100 : Switch to a new basis when change is more that 100?
     *** 1e+50 : (big number) Never switch to a new basis.

*** Reduced Hessian Approximations

*    exact_reduced_hessian = true; *** Use NLP Hessian info if available
*    exact_reduced_hessian = false; *** Use quasi_newton [default]
     *** If true and if the NLP supports second order information
     *** (hessian of the lagrangian HL) then the exact reduced hessian
     *** rHL = Z'*HL*Z will be computed at each iteration.

*    quasi_newton = AUTO;   *** Let solver decide dynamically [default]
*    quasi_newton = BFGS;   *** Dense BFGS
*    quasi_newton = LBFGS;  *** Limited memory BFGS
     *** [exact_reduced_hessian == false]
     *** ToDo: Finish documentation!

*    num_lbfgs_updates_stored   = -1; *** [default]
     *** [quasi_newton == LBFGS] (+-int) If < 0 then let solver decide
     *** otherwise this is the maximum number of update vectors stored
     *** for limited memory LBFGS.

*    lbfgs_auto_scaling = true;  *** (default)
*    lbfgs_auto_scaling = false;
     *** [quasi_newton == LBFGS] If true then auto scaling of initial
     *** hessian approximation will be use for LBFGS.

*    hessian_initialization = AUTO;                       *** Let the solver decide dynamically [default]
*    hessian_initialization = SERIALIZE;                  *** rHL_(0) read from file (see ReducedHessianSerialization)
*    hessian_initialization = IDENTITY;                   *** rHL_(0) = I
*    hessian_initialization = FINITE_DIFF_SCALE_IDENTITY; *** rHL_(0) = ||fd|| * I
*    hessian_initialization = FINITE_DIFF_DIAGONAL;       *** rHL_(0) = diag(max(fd(i),small),i)
*    hessian_initialization = FINITE_DIFF_DIAGONAL_ABS;   *** rHL_(0) = diag(abs(fd(i))
     *** [exact_reduced_hessian == false] Determines how the quasi-newton hessian is initialized.
     *** ToDo: Finis documentation!

*** QP solvers

*    qp_solver = AUTO;    *** Let the solver decide dynamically
*    qp_solver = QPKWIK;  *** Primal-dual, active set, QR
*    qp_solver = QPOPT;   *** Primal, active set, null space, Gill et. al.
*    qp_solver = QPSOL;   *** Primal, active set, null space, Gill et. al.
*    qp_solver = QPSCHUR; *** [default] Primal-dual, active set, schur complement 
     *** QP solver to use to solve the reduced space QP subproblem (null
     *** space step).  Note that only QPSCHUR ships with MOOCHO by default.

*    reinit_hessian_on_qp_fail = true; *** [default]
*    reinit_hessian_on_qp_fail = false;
     *** If true, then if a QPFailure exception is thrown (see printed algorithm)
     *** then the Hessian approximation will be reinitialized and the QP solver will
     *** attempt to solve the QP again.

*** Line search methods

*    line_search_method = AUTO;               *** Let the solver decide dynamically [default]
*    line_search_method = NONE;               *** Take full steps at every iteration
*    line_search_method = DIRECT;             *** Use standard Armijo backtracking
*    line_search_method = 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT;  *** Like DIRECT except computes corrections for
*                                             *** c(x) before backtracking line search
*    line_search_method = WATCHDOG;           *** Like DIRECT except uses watchdog type trial steps
*    line_search_method = FILTER;             *** [default] Use the Filter line search method
     *** Options:
     *** AUTO : Let the solver decide dynamically what line search method to use (if any)
     *** NONE : Take full steps at every iteration.  For most problems this is a bad idea.
     ***     However, for some problems this can help when starting close to the solution usually.
     *** DIRECT : Use a standard Armijo backtracking line search at every iteration.
     *** 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT : Like DIRECT except computes corrections for before applying
     ***     the backtracking line search (see options_group LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect).
     ***     This can help greatly on some problems and can counter act the Maritos effect.
     *** FILTER : Use the filter line search.  Here we accept either a decrease in the
     ***     objective function for the constraints.  See "Global and Local Convergence of
     ***     Line Search Filter Methods for Nonlinear Programming" by Waechter and Biegler.

*    merit_function_type = AUTO;              *** [line_search_method != NONE] Let solver decide
*    merit_function_type = L1;                *** [line_search_method != NONE] phi(x) = f(x) + mu*||c(x)||1
*    merit_function_type = MODIFIED_L1;       *** [line_search_method != NONE] phi(x) = f(x) + sum(mu(j),|cj(x)|,j)
*    merit_function_type = MODIFIED_L1_INCR;  *** [line_search_method != NONE] Like MODIFIED_L1 except mu(j) are altered in order to take larger steps
     *** Determines the type of merit function used when the line search
     *** method uses a merit function.

*    l1_penalty_parameter_update = AUTO;      *** [merit_function_type == L1] let solver decide
*    l1_penalty_parameter_update = WITH_MULT; *** [merit_function_type == L1] Use Lagrange multipliers to update mu
*    l1_penalty_parameter_update = MULT_FREE; *** [merit_function_type == L1] Don't use Lagrange multipliers to update mu
     *** Determines how the penalty parameter is updated for the L1 merit function.

*** Options for serialization of the reduced Hessian
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::hessian_initialization == SERIALIZE]
options_group ReducedHessianSerialization {

*   reduced_hessian_input_file_name = "";   *** [default]
*   reduced_hessian_input_file_name = "";                     *** Does not read from file
    *** The name of a file that will be used to read in the reduced Hessian
    *** in a format that is compatible with the internal implementation.

*   reduced_hessian_output_file_name = "reduced_hessian.out"; *** [default]
*   reduced_hessian_output_file_name = "";                    *** Does not write to file
    *** The name of a file that will be used to write in the reduced Hessian.
    *** This reduced Hessian can then be read back in using the
    *** reduced_hessian_input_file_name option.


*** Options for finite difference initialization of reduced hessian.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::hessian_initialization == FINITE_DIFF_*]
options_group InitFinDiffReducedHessian {
*    initialization_method	= SCALE_IDENTITY;
*    initialization_method	= SCALE_DIAGONAL;
*    initialization_method	= SCALE_DIAGONAL_ABS;
*    max_cond			= 1e+1;
*    min_diag			= 1e-8;
*    step_scale			= 1e-1;

*** Options for checking for skipping the BFGS update.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::exact_hessian == false]
options_group CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd {
*    skip_bfgs_prop_const = 10.0; *** (+dbl)

*** Options for BFGS updating (dense or limited memory)
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::exact_hessian == false]
options_group BFGSUpdate {

*    rescale_init_identity = true;  *** [default]
*    rescale_init_identity = false;
     *** If true, then rescale the initial identity matrix at 2nd iteration

*    use_dampening = true;  *** [default]
*    use_dampening = false;
     *** Use dampened BFGS update

*    secant_testing          = DEFAULT;  *** Test secant condition if check_results==true (see above) [default]
*    secant_testing          = TEST;     *** Always test secant condition
*    secant_testing          = NO_TEST;  *** Never test secant condition

*    secant_warning_tol      = 1e-6; *** [default]
*    secant_error_tol        = 1e-1; *** [default]


*** Options for the convergence test.
*** See the printed step description (i.e. 'MoochoAlgo.out') for a
*** description of what these options do.
options_group CheckConvergenceStd {

*    scale_opt_error_by    = SCALE_BY_NORM_2_X;
*    scale_opt_error_by    = SCALE_BY_NORM_INF_X;
*    scale_opt_error_by    = SCALE_BY_ONE;        *** [default]

*    scale_feas_error_by   = SCALE_BY_NORM_2_X;
*    scale_feas_error_by   = SCALE_BY_NORM_INF_X;
*    scale_feas_error_by   = SCALE_BY_ONE;        *** [default]

*    scale_comp_error_by   = SCALE_BY_NORM_2_X;
*    scale_comp_error_by   = SCALE_BY_NORM_INF_X;
*    scale_comp_error_by   = SCALE_BY_ONE;        *** [default]

     *** Determines what all of the error measures are scaled by when checking convergence
     *** SCALE_BY_NORM_2_X   : Scale the optimality conditions by 1/(1+||x_k||2)
     *** SCALE_BY_NORM_INF_X : Scale the optimality conditions by 1/(1+||x_k||inf)
     *** SCALE_BY_ONE        : Scale the optimality conditions by 1

*    scale_opt_error_by_Gf = true; *** [default]
*    scale_opt_error_by_Gf = false;
     *** Determines if the linear dependence of gradients (i.e. ||rGL_k||inf or ||GL_k||inf)
     *** is scaled by the gradient of the objective function or not.
     *** true  : Scale ||rGL_k||inf or ||GL_k|| by an additional 1/(1+||Gf||inf)
     *** false : Scale ||rGL_k||inf or ||GL_k|| by an additional 1 (i.e. no extra scaling)


*** Options for the TangentalStepWithInequStd_Step
*** This used for NLPs that have bounds.
options_group TangentialStepWithInequStd {

*    warm_start_frac = 0.8; *** [default]
*    warm_start_frac = 0.0; *** Never do a warm start
*    warm_start_frac = 1.0; *** Do a warm start as soon a possible
     *** (+dbl) Determines the number of inequality constraints that
     *** must be the same any two rSQP iterations in order for
     *** a warm start to be used on the next rSQP iteration.

*    qp_testing = QP_TEST_DEFAULT; *** [default] Test if check_results==true
*    qp_testing = QP_TEST;         *** Always test
*    qp_testing = QP_NO_TEST;      *** Never test
     *** Determines if the postconditions for the QP solve are checked
     *** or not.

*    primal_feasible_point_error = true; *** [default] Throw exception on PRIMAL_FEASIBLE_POINT
*    primal_feasible_point_error = false; *** No throw exception on PRIMAL_FEASIBLE_POINT

*    dual_feasible_point_error = true; *** [default] Throw exception on DUAL_FEASIBLE_POINT
*    dual_feasible_point_error = false; *** No throw exception on DUAL_FEASIBLE_POINT


*** Options for the QPSolverRelaxedTester object that is used
*** to test the QP solution.
*** This is only used when the NLP has bounds and a QP solver is used.
*** This sets testing options for the TangentalStepWithInequalStd_Step
*** object.
*** See the MoochoAlgo.opt file for details.
options_group QPSolverRelaxedTester {

*    opt_warning_tol   = 1e-10;  *** [default] Tolerances for optimality conditions
*    opt_error_tol     = 1e-5;   *** [default]

*    feas_warning_tol  = 1e-10;  *** [default] Tolerances for feasibility
*    feas_error_tol    = 1e-5;   *** [default]

*    comp_warning_tol  = 1e-10;  *** [default] Tolerances for complementarity
*    comp_error_tol    = 1e-5;   *** [default]


*** Options for the primal-dual, active-set, schur-complement
*** QP solver QPSchur.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::qp_solver == QPSCHUR]
options_group QPSolverRelaxedQPSchur {

*** Convergence criteria and algorithm control options

*    max_qp_iter_frac  = 10.0;   *** (+dbl) max_qp_itr = max_qp_itr_frac * (# variables)

*    bounds_tol        = 1e-10;  *** (+dbl) feasibility tolerance for bound constraints

*    inequality_tol    = 1e-10;  *** (+dbl) feasibility tolerance for general inequality constraints

*    equality_tol      = 1e-10;  *** (+dbl) feasibility tolerance for general equality constraints

*    loose_feas_tol    = 1e-9;   *** (+dbl) (Expert use only)

*    dual_infeas_tol   = 1e-12;  *** (+dbl) allowable dual infeasibility before reporting an error

*    huge_primal_step  = 1e+20;  *** (+dbl) value of a near infinite primal step

*    huge_dual_step    = 1e+20;  *** (+dbl) value of a near infinite dual step

*    bigM              = 1e+10;  *** (+dbl) value or relaxation penalty in objective

*    iter_refine_at_solution = true;  *** [default]
*    iter_refine_at_solution = false;
     *** If true then iterative refinement will be performed at the solution of
     *** the QP in every case.

*    iter_refine_min_iter = 1; *** [default]
     *** Minimum number of iterative refinement iterations to perform when
     *** using iterative refinement.
     *** Example values:
     *** 0 : Don't perform any iterations of iterative refinement if you don't have to
     *** 1 : Perform at least one step if iterative refinement no matter what the
     ***     residual is.

*    iter_refine_max_iter = 3; *** [default]
     *** Maximum number of steps of iterative refinement to perform.
     *** This helps to keep down the cost of iterative refinement but
     *** can cause the QP method to fail due to ill-conditioning and roundoff.
     *** This number should be kept small since the target residuals may not
     *** be obtainable.
     *** Example values:
     ***   0 : Never perform any steps of iterative refinement
     ***   1 : Never perform more than one step of iterative refinement
     ***  10 : Never perform more than 10 steps of iterative refinement.

*    iter_refine_opt_tol  = 1e-12; *** [default]
     *** Iterative refinement convergence tolerance for the optimality
     *** conditions of the QP.  Specifically this is compared to the
     *** scaled linear dependence of gradients condition.
     *** Example values:
     ***   1e-50 : (very small number) Do iterative refinement until
     ***           iter_refine_max_iter is exceeded.
     ***   1e-12 : [default]
     ***   1e+50 : (very big number) Allow convergence of iterative refinement at
     ***           any time.

*    iter_refine_feas_tol = 1e-12; *** [default]
     *** Iterative refinement convergence tolerance for the feasibility
     *** conditions of the QP.  Specifically this is compared to the
     *** scaled residual of the active constraints (equalities and inequalities)
     *** Example values:
     ***   1e-50 : (very small number) Do iterative refinement until
     ***           iter_refine_max_iter is exceeded.
     ***   1e-12 : [default]
     ***   1e+50 : (very big number) Allow convergence of iterative refinement at
     ***           any time.

*    inequality_pick_policy = ADD_BOUNDS_THEN_MOST_VIOLATED_INEQUALITY; *** [default]
*    inequality_pick_policy = ADD_BOUNDS_THEN_FIRST_VIOLATED_INEQUALITY; *** not supported yet!
*    inequality_pick_policy = ADD_MOST_VIOLATED_BOUNDS_AND_INEQUALITY;

*** Warning and error tolerances

*    warning_tol   = 1e-10;  *** General testing warning tolerance

*    error_tol     = 1e-5;   *** General testing error tolerance

*    pivot_warning_tol = 1e-8;  *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Minimum relative tolerance for a pivot element in the schur complement
     *** under which a warning message for near singularity will be printed
     *** (see MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable).
     ***  Example values:
     ***    0.0: Don't print any warning messages about near singularity.
     ***   1e-6: default
     ***    2.0: ( > 1 ) Show the pivot tolerance of every update!

*    pivot_singular_tol = 1e-11;  *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Minimum relative tolerance for a pivot element in the schur complement
     *** under which the matrix is considered singular and an error message will be printed
     *** (see MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable).
     *** Example values:
     ***    0.0: Allow any numerically nonsingular matrix.
     ***   1e-8: default
     ***    2.0: ( > 1 ) Every matrix is singular (makes no sense!)

*    pivot_wrong_inertia_tol = 1e-11;  *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Minimum relative tolerance for a pivot element in the schur complement
     *** over which the matrix is considered to have the wrong inertia rather than
     *** being singular and an error message will be printed
     *** (see MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable).
     *** Example values:
     ***    0.0: Any pivot with the wrong sign will be considered to have the wrong inertia
     ***   1e-8: default
     ***    2.0: ( > 1 ) Every matrix has the wrong inertia (makes no sense!)

*** Output control

*    print_level = USE_INPUT_ARG;  *** [default] Use the input argument to solve_qp(...)
*    print_level = NO_OUTPUT;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_BASIC_INFO;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_ITER_SUMMARY;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_ITER_STEPS;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_ACT_SET;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_ITER_QUANTITIES;


*** Options for the direct line search object that is used in all the
*** line search methods for the SQP step.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method != NONE]
*** See the MoochoAlgo.opt file for details.
options_group DirectLineSearchArmQuadSQPStep {
*    slope_frac       = 1.0e-4;
*    min_frac_step    = 0.1:
*    max_frac_step    = 0.5;
*    max_ls_iter      = 20;

*** Options for the watchdog line search.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method = WATCHDOG]
*** Warning!  The watchdog option is not currently supported!
options_group LineSearchWatchDog {
*    opt_kkt_err_threshold	= 1e-3; *** (+dbl)
*    feas_kkt_err_threshold	= 1e-3; *** (+dbl)
     *** Start the watchdog linesearch when opt_kkt_err_k < opt_kkt_err_threshold and
     *** feas_kkt_err_k < feas_kkt_err_threshold

*** Options for the second order correction line search.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method == 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT]
*** Warning!  The 2nd order correction option is not currently supported!
options_group LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect {

*    newton_olevel = PRINT_USE_DEFAULT;   *** O(?) output [default]
*    newton_olevel = PRINT_NOTHING;       *** No output
*    newton_olevel = PRINT_SUMMARY_INFO;  *** O(max_newton_iter) output
*    newton_olevel = PRINT_STEPS;         *** O(max_newton_iter) output
*    newton_olevel = PRINT_VECTORS;       *** O(max_newton_iter*n) output
     *** Determines the amount of output printed to the journal output stream.
     *** PRINT_USE_DEFAULT: Use the output level from the overall algorithm
     ***     to print comparable output (see journal_output_level).
     *** PRINT_NOTHING: Don't print anything (overrides default print level).
     *** PRINT_SUMMARY_INFO: Print a nice little summary table showing the sizes of the
     ***    newton steps used to compute a feasibility correction as well as what
     ***    progress is being made.
     *** PRINT_STEPS: Don't print a summary table and instead print some more detail
     ***    as to what computations are being performed etc.
     *** PRINT_VECTORS: Print out relevant vectors as well for the feasibility Newton
     ***     iterations.

*    constr_norm_threshold = 1.0; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Tolerance for ||c_k||inf below which a 2nd order correction step
     *** will be considered (see printed description).  Example values:
     ***    0.0: Never consider computing a correction.
     ***   1e-3: Consider a correction if and only if ||c_k||inf <= 1e-3
     ***  1e+50: (big number) Consider a correction regardless of ||c_k||inf.

*    constr_incr_ratio = 10.0; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Tolerance for ||c_kp1||inf/(1.0+||c_k||inf) below which a 2nd order
     *** correction step will be considered (see printed description).  Example values:
     ***   0.0: Consider computing a correction only if ||c_kp1||inf is zero.
     ***   10.0: Consider computing a correction if and only if
     ***        ||c_kp1||inf/(1.0+||c_k||inf) < 10.0.
     *** 1e+50: (big number) Consider a correction regardless how big ||c_kp1||inf is.

*    after_k_iter = 0; *** [default]
     *** (+int) Number of SQP iterations before a 2nd order correction will be considered
     *** (see printed description).  Example values:
     ***        0: Consider computing a correction right away at the first iteration.
     ***        2: Consider computing a correction when k >= 2.
     ***   999999: (big number) Never consider a 2nd order correction.

*    forced_constr_reduction = LESS_X_D;
*    forced_constr_reduction = LESS_X; *** [default]
     *** Determine the amount of reduction required for c(x_k+d+w).
     ***   LESS_X_D: phi(c(x_k+d+w)) < forced_reduct_ratio * phi(c(x_k+d)) is all that is required.
     ***             As long as a feasible step can be computed, only one newton
     ***             iteration should be required for this.
     ***   LESS_X:   phi(c(x_k+d+w)) < forced_reduct_ratio * phi(c(x_k)) is required.
     ***             In general, this may require several feasibility step calculations
     ***             and several newton iterations.  Of course the maximum number of
     ***             newton iterations may be exceeded before this is achieved.

*    forced_reduct_ratio = 1.0; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) (< 1) Fraction of reduction in phi(c(x)) for required reduction.
     *** Example values:
     ***    0.0: The constraints must be fully converged and newton iterations will
     ***         performed until max_newton_itr is exceeded.
     ***    0.5: Require an extra 50% of the required reduction.
     ***    1.0: Don't require any extra reduction.

*    max_step_ratio = 1.0; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Maximum ratio of ||w^p||inf/||d||inf allowed for correction step w^p before
     *** a line search along phi(c(x_k+d+b*w^p)) is performed.  The purpose of this parameter
     *** is to limit the number of line search iterations needed for each feasibility
     *** step and to keep the full w = sum(w^p,p=1...) from getting too big. Example values:
     ***    0.0: Don't allow any correction step.
     ***    0.1: Allow ||w^p||inf/||d||inf <= 0.1.
     ***    1.0: Allow ||w^p||inf/||d||inf <= 1.0.
     ***  1e+50: (big number) Allow ||w^p||inf/||d||inf to be a big as possible.

*    max_newton_iter = 3; *** [default]
     *** (+int) Limit the number of newton feasibility iterations (with line searches)
     *** allowed.  Example values:
     ***       0: Don't allow any newton iterations (no 2nd order correction).
     ***       3: Allow 3 newton iterations
     ***  999999: Allow any number of newton iterations (not a good idea)


*** Options for the filter search.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method = FILTER]
*** See the MoochoAlgo.out file for details
options_group LineSearchFilter {
*    gamma_theta      = 1e-5; *** [default]
*    gamma_f          = 1e-5; *** [default]
*    f_min            = UNBOUNDED; *** [default]
*    f_min            = 0.0;       *** If 0 is minimum ...
*    gamma_alpha      = 5e-2; *** [default]
*    delta            = 1e-4; *** [default]
*    s_theta          = 1.1;  *** [default]
*    s_f              = 2.3;	*** [default]
*    theta_small_fact = 1e-4; *** [default]
*    theta_max        = 1e10; *** [default]
*    eta_f            = 1e-4; *** [default]
*    back_track_frac  = 0.5;  *** [default]

*** Options for generating feasibility steps for reduced space.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method == 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT]
*** Warning!  The 2nd order correction option is not currently supported!
options_group FeasibilityStepReducedStd {
*    qp_objective = OBJ_MIN_FULL_STEP;
*    qp_objective = OBJ_MIN_NULL_SPACE_STEP;
*    qp_objective = OBJ_RSQP;
*    qp_testing   = QP_TEST_DEFAULT;
*    qp_testing   = QP_TEST;
*    qp_testing   = QP_NO_TEST;

*** Options for the direct line search object for
*** the newton steps of the 2nd order correction (see above).
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method == 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT]
*** Warning!  The 2nd order correction option is not currently supported!
options_group DirectLineSearchArmQuad2ndOrderCorrectNewton {
*    slope_frac       = 1.0e-4;
*    min_frac_step    = 0.1:
*    max_frac_step    = 0.5;
*    max_ls_iter      = 20;

*** Change how the penalty parameters for the merit function
*** are adjusted.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method != NONE]
options_group MeritFuncPenaltyParamUpdate {
*    small_mu     = 1e-6;
*    min_mu_ratio = 1e-8
*    mult_factor  = 7.5e-4;
*    kkt_near_sol = 1e-1;

*** Change how the penalty parameters for the modified
*** L1 merit function are increased.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method != NONE]
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::merit_function_type == MODIFIED_L1_INCR]
options_group MeritFuncModifiedL1LargerSteps {

*    after_k_iter                  = 3;
     *** (+int) Number of SQP iterations before considering increasing penalties.
     *** Set to 0 to start at the first iteration.

*    obj_increase_threshold        = 1e-4;
     *** (+-dbl) Consider increasing penalty parameters when the relative
     *** increase in the objective function is greater than this value.
     *** Set to a very large negative number (i.e. -1e+100) to always
     *** allow increasing the penalty parameters.

*    max_pos_penalty_increase      = 1.0;
     *** (+dbl) Ratio the multipliers are allowed to be increased.
     *** Set to a very large number (1e+100) to allow increasing the penalties
     *** to any value if it will help in taking a larger step.  This will
     *** in effect put all of the weight of the constraints and will force
     *** the algorithm to only minimize the infeasibility and ignore
     *** optimality.

*    pos_to_neg_penalty_increase   = 1.0;  *** (+dbl)

*    incr_mult_factor              = 1e-4; *** (+dbl)


*** End Moocho.opt.NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama